BTS Remarkaball: a new way to Swing We have all been to a minigolf. Worst case it was an old concrete infrastructure which felt like it pre-dated Soviet Brutalism. Best case it... 241
BTS Studio 100 Festival: Plopsaland celebrates Bigger Than Ever It’s a milestone year for Plopsaland De Panne. A quarter of a century ago the doors of, what then was known as Meli Park, reopened... 2.7K
BTS Plopsa Express Another Christmas Visual for Plopsaland De Panne! The concept: Santa rides the Plopsa Express and spreads holiday cheers around the park. I got the idea... 864
BTS The Affair On Bus 11 I’m proud to present my latest short-film: The Affair On Bus 11. An exciting thriller story set place in London, December 5th 1957, during the... 2.3K
BTS The Midas Touch There have been more Tales from my Minds brewing than time has permitted, but with the usual Januari downtime, it has been a great moment... 4.3K
BTS Rebranding Mexico Natie Mexico Natie is al sinds 1871 niet meer weg te denken in de Haven van Antwerpen. Voor een volledige rebranding door James Bold Agency werd... 3.1K
BTS #LikeMe: Vlaanderen M’n Land A few weeks ago I got a phone call from my friends at FABRIC MAGIC, the production company that created the hit series #LikeMe. National... 3.5K
BTS Opera hits the road Another great assignment from Agentschap Wegen & Verkeer: photograph asphalt-legend Margo Briessinck. A legend, but not by driving on it, but creating it. In fact,... 5.8K
BTS Alpha goes a long way Last month I was invited to Amsterdam by Sony for the 2019 Alpha Experience. Being one of my favourite cities, Amsterdam is a great destination,... 3.7K
BTS The Summer Of Music: Capturing #LikeMe The summer of 2018 will go down in my personal history as the summer of music, dance and blistering heat. Not because all of my... 26.5K
BTS Mo Whenever I get a call from Agentschap Wegen & Verkeer, I know it’ll be interesting. This time it was no difference. It wasn’t working in... 3.7K
BTS The Cornetto Teacher My amazing girlfriend An plays the cornetto, a Baroque & Renaissance instrument. Worldwide, there are just 200 people professionally playing this forgotten instrument, so when... 5.2K
BTS What I want in Lightroom 2019 With every passing day, we’re approaching winter. For us photographers it also means the traditional downtime is slowly creeping up on us. It’s always been... 3.7K
BTS Bobbejaanland Welp Welp, the 2014 Belgian horror film directed by Jonas Govaerts was the theme for Bobbejaanland’s brand new scare maze for their successful Halloween season. With... 4.9K
BTS Bobbejaanland Summer Campaign I got hired to shoot a brand new image campaign for the Belgian amusement park Bobbejaanland. Bringing a notion of motion, combined with my known... 3.9K
BTS Speed King & Code Screens Last week I got an assignment for the PXL University College. Having worked with them many times before I was really curious on what new... 3.2K
BTS Making Christmas It’s Christmas time, and it’s my favourite time of year. Since I work for theme parks and media, it all starts just in the end... 3.4K
BTS Yokoso Festival Commercial For the Japanese Garden in Hasselt I was commissioned to create a cinema commercial showcasing both the natural beauty as the tourist destination. I wrote... 3.1K
BTS How to work with Adobe Lightroom’s cloud Adobe MAX 2017 saw the launch of a whole lot of new features, but most of all, a completely brand new Lightroom CC. Rebranding the... 4K
BTS The Drive for Perfection This morning on Twitter I had a caffeine inducted twitter exchange with Rob Yeo, a talented designer. We talked about hobbies and work and the... 4K