BTS From Instagram tot InstaWow In the summer of 2012 I was shooting the city of Hasselt’s new commercial campaign. From small details in the museums to city-wide views, it... 2.8K
BTS To the bottom of the glass. A few months ago I shared a train-ride with Caroline, my contact at the awesome Edelman PR Agency. Keen-eyed readers might remember Edelman as the... 14.9K
BTS The Hotel Wow, what a few months it has been. I’ve traveled three countries, with many interesting locations. World Cities like Amsterdam, to villages not bigger than... 2.1K
BTS Preserving History As a photographer, your main job is to preserve history. A click with the right settings, and you did your job. It will live forever... 2.2K
BTS On Assignment: The Rat Pack For the City of Hasselt I’ve been asked to photograph city workers on their job. I took the assignment a bit wider than the street... 2.4K